You may experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms when you quit drinking alcohol. This can happen whether you’re quitting alcohol cold turkey or tapering. It can be tempting to just “rip off the Band-Aid” when getting sober, but tapering off alcohol is often much safer—and much less stressful. Rather than quitting drinking abruptly (or “cold turkey”), many professionals recommend gradually reducing your drinking (or tapering) over time. This can give your body the chance to adjust, helping you avoid the worst of withdrawal symptoms.

Chemsex: Staying Safe and Getting Back in Control

  • Consider how drinking again will only prolong your addiction and create more pain as you enter detox again.
  • It’s best to reduce your drinking by a small amount each day to avoid the shock to your system.
  • They can help you decide if tapering is the safest option for you.
  • If you’re unable to reduce how much you drink, you may have a disease called alcoholism that requires professional addiction treatment.
  • But drinking less is always a good choice for your body and health.

Some of these remedies can be useful during withdrawal itself, and some are more helpful as you cope with cravings. If you suddenly quit drinking, your brain can start to make more of an excitatory substance called glutamate. This excessive glutamate level can lead to alcohol withdrawal symptoms, which can be dangerous.

Have A Strong Support System

The brain compensates for the depressive effects of alcohol by increasing its activity. When people who are dependent on alcohol drink, they feel normal. It’s physically dangerous, and it may also cause emotional instability.

best way to taper off alcohol

Physical Symptoms

  • People who have a severe reaction to quitting alcohol should seek emergency treatment.
  • Once it begins to leave your body, early symptoms of withdrawal begin.
  • Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation or gentle exercise might help alleviate stress.

Sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium are common electrolytes in sports drinks. When you taper your alcohol, you slowly reduce your alcohol intake over time. By gradually drinking less instead of stopping cold turkey, your body has a chance to adapt to smaller and less frequent drinks. In turn, Sober House your risk of undergoing alcohol withdrawal may be lower. If you’re struggling with severe alcohol addiction, a medical detox program is your likely best option for tapering off alcohol safely. But if you still have control over your drinking and want to drink less, you may be able to self-taper.

  • If you’re living with alcohol use disorder, treatment at a medical rehabilitation facility is your best option.
  • But that does not mean home detox is effective, appropriate, or safe.
  • A supportive friend or family member can help you in many ways during withdrawal.
  • It can be tempting to just “rip off the Band-Aid” when getting sober, but tapering off alcohol is often much safer—and much less stressful.
  • Going outside and walking can do wonders if you are having a particularly rough time.
  • If you feel comfortable doing so, discuss your challenges with your primary healthcare professional.
  • Reducing the amount of the chosen substance consumed daily is known as a direct taper, but it may not be effective for everyone.

These are offered to patients with moderate to severe Alcohol Use Disorder, having the goal of reducing alcohol comsumption and achieving abstinence. Prefer Topiramate or Gabapentin if patients are intolerant to or have not responded to Naltrexone and Acamprosate. You should not begin a tapering plan before talking to your doctor. Based on your medical history, your doctor can advise you about the safety of the taper. Reducing the amount of the chosen substance consumed daily is known as a direct taper, but it may not be effective for everyone.

best way to taper off alcohol

Tapering off alcohol helps some people start their recovery journeys. It can also be a good idea for people who don’t want to, or can’t, attend any type of full detoxification program. Telling people to taper with lite beer when they drink 750ml liquor a day is unrealistic and not based on science.

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